Applications now open: McMichael Award

Image: Greg Stonham / Shutterstock
18 July 2022

Are you an early to mid-career ANU researcher interested in the impacts of climate change on human health? 

Applications are now open for the inagural McMichael Award and Fellowship Program. Facilitated by the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health (NCEPH), the award is currently open to domestic salaried ANU researchers whose research areas include one or more of the following: Population health; planetary health; environmental epidemiology; climate change and impacts on population health; or equity and health.

The McMichael Award supports research and career development through a global network of mentors and thought leaders connected to NCEPH through the late Emeritus Professor McMichael’s legacy. A minimum of $30,000 will be offered to the successful applicant to contribute to their agreed-upon research over 12 months.

Applications close Friday 12 August. 

Find out more 

Updated:  19 July 2022/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: