2 x $10,000 Scholarships for Master of Energy Change (Advanced): applications now open

26 July 2021

The ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions (ICEDS) and the Research School of Physics are pleased to announce that applications for the Global Power Generation Australia Scholarships in The Hydrogen Economy are now open.

Funded by leading renewable energy company, Global Power Generation Australia (GPGA), the scholarships are open to students who are enrolled in the Master of Energy Change (Advanced) program and undertaking a research project in the field of the hydrogen economy.

“Hydrogen is a vital piece of the clean energy puzzle, with the potential to play a significant role in how we rebuild energy systems and transition to low-carbon technologies,” says Prof Frank Jotzo, Head of Energy at ICEDS.

Hydrogen has the potential to provide the missing link between renewable energy, such as wind and solar power, and energy users in industry and transport that cannot readily electrify their operations. Clean hydrogen is emerging as a key energy vector, allowing renewable energy to be stored and transported around the world.

“These scholarships will help to promote innovation that is so important to the advancement of hydrogen technologies, and we thank GPGA for their on-going, generous investment,” said Prof Tim Senden, Director of Research School of Physics, which is hosting the Master of Energy Change (Advanced) program.

Last year’s scholarship recipient, Desy Prihardini, has just completed her final presentation for the program.

Desy Prihardini gives her final presentation over Zoom.

“My project aims to develop a database for potential liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC) as one of the most prospective technologies to store and transport hydrogen,” said Desy.

“The GPG scholarship in hydrogen economy has helped me to get the best sources to complete my project, including the hardware, the programming skills, to the databases development itself.”

Applications for the Semester 2 award close on 10 September, 2021.

For more information on the Scholarship, please contact Dr Igor Skryabin: igor.skryabin@anu.edu.au.


Updated:  8 November 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact