‘Environmental accounting’ could revolutionise nature conservation, but Australia has squandered its potential

Credit: Lannon Harley/ANU A close-up image of gum leaves, with the sun shining down from above.
12 July 2021

Let’s say a new irrigation scheme is proposed and all the land it’ll take up needs to be cleared — trees felled, soil upturned, and habitats destroyed. Water will also have to be allocated. Would the economic gain of the scheme outweigh the damage to the environment?

This is the kind of question so-called “land accounts” grapple with. Land accounts are a type of “environmental account”, which measures our interactions with the environment by recording them as transactions. They help us understand the environmental and economic outcomes of land use decisions.

Environmental accounting, for which Australia has a national strategy, seeks to integrate environmental and economic data to ensure sustainable decision making. Last month, the Australian Bureau of Statistics released the country’s first national land account under the strategy, describing it as “experimental”.

Environmental accounting could be a game changer for conserving nature, but the account released by the ABS falls flat. It’s yet another example of Australia’s environmental policy culture: we develop or adopt good ideas, but then just tinker with them, or even discard them.

Read the full article on The Conversation, co-authored by Dr Peter Burnett and Assoc Prof Michael Vardon

Updated:  13 July 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact