IPCC's new Climate Change Mitigation Report: What does it mean for the Pacific?

Credit: Pacific Climate Change Centre

How do emissions trends compare to climate change goals in the Pacific, and how can we limit further warming? Hear directly from IPCC authors and others working on climate change across the region to find out what the most recent IPCC report means for the Pacific. 

Recognising Pacific Island nations' goal to keep global warming to 1.5°C, this event will discuss how we are tracking against this goal, and what options we have for limiting future global warming both in the Pacific and internationally.   

In April 2022, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its new Working Group III report on Mitigation of Climate Change. This report provides an updated global assessment on our progress to reducing the rate of climate change, particularly, in relation to the Paris Agreement goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C and well below 2°C. It looks at regional and sectoral emissions sources and considers the time and opportunities we have to take action. The report also considers whether national commitments and policies are strong enough to achieve long-term emissions goals, and how these can be strengthened. IPCC reports are the world’s most authoritative sources of climate science, approved by 195 countries. 

This event is co-hosted with the Pacific Climate Change Centre at SPREP.


Summary Article  

Program (AEST GMT+10)

11-11.20am Opening Remarks

  • Director General SPREP – Mr. Sefanaia Nawadra
  • Australian National University – Professor Mark Howden
  • Keynote address – Hon. Toeolesulusulu Cedric Schuster – Minister of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

11.20-11.45am Lecture from Professor Frank Jotzo  PRESENTATION SLIDES

11.45am-12.15pm ‘Talanoa session with Pacific and international experts on 'How do emissions trends compare to climate change goals in the Pacific, and how can we limit further warming?’

12.15-12.55pm Q&A Session 

12.55- 1.00pm Closing remarks 


  • Prof Frank Jotzo – Lead author on WGIII chapter National and sub-national policies and institutions, Head of Energy at the Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions at ANU.  
  • Mr. Solomone Fifita – Author of WGIII report chapter on National and sub-national policies and institutions, Manager of Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, in Tonga.
  • Ms. Pasha Carruthers – Author of WGIII report chapter on International Cooperation, based in Cook Islands 
  • Mr. Tuiti Chilton–  Chair of the Pacific NDC Hub Steering Committee, Palau
  • Ms. Yvette Kerslake – Science to Services Technical Adviser, PCCC
  • Ms. Ofa Ma’asi-Kaisamy – Manager, PCCC [Moderator]

Event registration privacy notice. 

Updated:  3 June 2022/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact