Climate change, the ocean and frozen regions - an IPCC special report

View Assoc Prof Nerilie Abram's presentation here (PDF 4.4MB)

View the Evaluation Report from the feedback provided by attendees - (PDF 1.18 MB)

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This event was livestreamed via our Facebook page (watch this version here)


Australia depends on the ocean that surrounds us for our health and prosperity. But a new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reveals that climate change is having a profound impact on both our ocean and the frozen parts of our planet.

This public lecture will discuss the main findings of the report and its implications for Australia and the world. This will encompass the latest science on the impacts of climate change on ocean, coastal, polar and mountain ecosystems and people all over the world. It will also explore options for coastal and other communities to adapt to our changing climate.  

Associate Professor Nerilie Abram is a Co-ordinating Lead Author of the report. She will give a presentation of the key findings, followed by an audience Q&A session.  

About the speaker

Associate Professor Nerilie Abram is based at the Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU. Nerilie’s research goals are to build the knowledge of how the Earth’s climate has behaved in the past, and how its climate systems are now changing with anthropogenic greenhouse warming. Her research involves using tropical coral reef and cave samples and polar ice cores to reconstruct past climates across a range of environments and time periods. She particularly enjoy being able to explain the direct human relevance of her research through scientific outreach and education.

Updated:  20 April 2020/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: