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Event recordings

19 August 2020
Heat waves and heat stress: the role of urban greening in planning for a rapidly warming world

12 August 2020
Disasters as Transformative Opportunities: Indigenous Australians and Taiwanese communities recovering and rebuilding stronger

06 August 2020
Join us for this online event with international relations experts Hon. Prof Howard Bamsey and Prof Meg Keen, to discuss learnings from and implications of COVID-19 for global...

23 July 2020
Environmental health researcher Dr Aparna Lal, and cardiologist Dr Arnagretta Hunter will discuss the health implications of COVID-19 and climate change. They’ll cover public...

22 July 2020
The Changing Nature of Hazard and Disaster Risk in the Anthropocene, presented by Carolina Distinguished Professor Susan L. Cutter.

09 July 2020
Recent months have seen the COVID-19 pandemic emerge as a global crisis requiring immediate, wide-spread and evidence-based action. As countries have taken drastic measures to...

25 June 2020
Recent months have seen the COVID-19 pandemic emerge as a global crisis requiring immediate, wide-spread and evidence-based action. As countries have taken drastic measures to...

24 June 2020
How to recover from and rebuild better after the disasters and pandemic? The value of shifting philosophical worldviews using transformative pathways

19 June 2020
With governments around the world still deep in the struggle against COVID 19, there has been little time for issues that dominated policy debates before the pandemic.

16 June 2020
The Australian National University presents a special Indonesia-focused webinar explaining the ANU Master of Climate Change & Master of Energy Change programs.