Research stories
Discover how our research delivers real-world solutions to climate change problems, the energy transition, and disaster risks.
19 Nov 2015
The book, co-authored by Andrew Glikson and Colin Groves, is concerned with the principal milestones in the evolution of the atmosphere, oceans and biosphere...
4 Nov 2015
The uncertainties related to climate science present some unique challenges for policymakers and researchers alike.
19 Oct 2015
For the first time, a new analysis shows an impact of climate change on human society long before we knew the climate was actually changing.
9 Oct 2015
Former CPAS PhD student Dr Maria Taylor has detailed the birth and decline of Australian climate policy from 1987 to the present in a new book based on her...
21 Sep 2015
Australia can make deep cuts to its carbon emissions and move to full renewable energy for its electricity supply at a relatively low cost, an ANU report has...
21 Sep 2015
A team of Australian, European and American early career scientists (including Dr. Chris Fulton and Dr Jennie Mallela from the ANU Climate Change Institute)...
16 Sep 2015
Despite the overwhelming majority of scientific research suggesting that climate-warming over the past century is due to human activities, there remains...
14 Sep 2015
Research by Fenner School scholars published in the prestigious journal Climatic Change quantifies the trade-offs between sustaining water resources and...