Icon Water and ActewAGL Endowment Fund 2022 Call for Expressions of Interest
ANU is seeking concept proposals from ANU researchers who wish to build partnerships with ActewAGL to work on key challenges of renewable energy.
ANU is calling for researchers to propose research projects related to ActewAGL’s energy priority areas, to be funded by the Icon Water and ActewAGL Endowment fund.
The 2022 EOI will focus on three priority areas relevant to the strategic objectives of ActewAGL:
- Consumer behaviour (across demographics), perspectives and changes to energy consumption patterns in the transition to net zero, including the impact of increased distributed energy resources (DER), and changing regulatory and policy environments.
- Environmental and physical impacts and risks to energy infrastructure, network distributors and field workers, in the context of climate change, rising temperatures and adverse weather events.
- Consumer behaviour and perspectives relating to electric passenger vehicles including future phase out of internal combustion engine vehicles, and barriers to an equitable transition.
About the EOI 2022 Round
- Open to ANU researchers
- Funding up to a total of $135,000 is available for this round
- It is preferred to fund a single research proposal to the value of $135,000
- Research activities are expected to commence in the first half of 2023
- Research activities are to be between 6 months to 2 years duration.
Stage One: Call for EoIs
The purpose of the Stage One EoI is to seek information that will allow the Endowment Fund Committee (comprising ANU and ActewAGL staff) to assess alignment with strategic priorities of ActewAGL and ANU, and to identify project champions within ActewAGL to support and enhance delivery of the project outcomes.
If you would like to apply, please complete the 2-page concept call form and return to: innovation@anu.edu.au
The submission deadline is Friday 2 December 2022.
A second stage will invite greater detail, including the approach and methodology, a project plan to be developed in consultation with your ActewAGL project champion, and budget to be submitted with the approval of your local delegate.