Liam Taylor

Program Officer, Disaster Solutions
ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions

Liam joins ICEDS from the Australia Pacific Security College, ANU where he coordinated strategic communications focused on developing climate security knowledge and expertise within Pacific Island countries, working closely with regional environmental and security agencies.

As a New Colombo Plan Scholar, Liam has undertaken research and work placements in the Pacific region, including with the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) and attended COP28, where he assisted the PIF Secretary General and the ANU in communications and advocacy on Pacific climate and disaster priorities.

Previous to his work in the Pacific, Liam has held roles in the Australian Parliament and national not-for-profit groups and worked as a media specialist across Canberra and Melbourne. Liam studied a Bachelor of International Security Studies (Pacific Studies) and a Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the ANU.

Outside of work, Liam enjoys any excuse to be in the ocean, mostly struggling to surf.