Dr Sebastien Allgeyer

Research Fellow
Australian National University

I am a Research Fellow at the Australian National University. I am interested in understanding Natural Hazard to improve the knowledge of their dynamics and assess more precisely the threat toward the population using numerical simulation.

During my PhD, in France, I work mainly on the simulation of tsunamis to assess the hazard on the French coasts and the harbours and bays behaviour under long waves. During the two first year of PostDoc at ANU, I work on the development of an high-fidelity tsunami simulation code. This new code that includes the elastic loading of the Earth and the sea water density stratification improve the comparison between simulations and observations. Since September 2015, I also work on the use of GRACE satellite gravity measurement to evaluate the distribution of the water mass on Earth.

Research interests

  • Natural Hazards (Tsunami, Earthquake, Landslide, ....)
  • Satellite observation of Gravity field
  • Numerical methods, High Performance Computing
  • Inverse methods
  • Data analysis, Data science

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