Dr Xiaolin (Shannon) Wang

Dr Wang is a lecturer at the Solar Thermal Group working on thermal energy storage, carbon capture and building energy systems for green building.
During Dr Wang’s PhD program she developed an advanced gas hydrate material and based on this, she has been researching on a Coolth Storage and Carbon Capture System, which capture CO₂ gas from power plant’s and industry’s gas emissions while conserving cooling like a “thermal battery”, with a much lower cost of an actual battery. This project seeks to advance from proof of concept to commercial demonstration. Dr Wang is particularly interested in improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the system to maximise its commercial and environmental returns.
Research interests
- Cold thermal energy storage for air-conditioning applications
- CO2 hydrate based cold storage for HVAC applications
- Phase change materials
- Building energy systems
- Solar cooling
- Green building
- Leader, Energy storage and recovery
- Researcher, Carbon removal
- Researcher, Low carbon and resilient cities