Dr Greg Lane
Gregory Lane graduated from ANU in 1996 with a doctorate in experimental nuclear physics, before undertaking postdoctoral research at the Nuclear Structure Laboratory at SUNY Stony Brook (New York, USA) and at the 88-inch cyclotron at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (California, USA).
He returned to the Deptartment of Nuclear Physics at ANU in 2001, was an ARC Research Fellow from 2003 to 2008, and was recently awarded an ARC Future Fellowship (2011 to 2014). His research is based around investigations of the structure of exotic nuclei created with heavy ion beams at both the Australian Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility and at international laboratories, and has led to the publication of over 120 articles in refereed journals.
Greg’s primary research interest revolves around attempts to understand the structure of exotic nuclei far from stability, particularly the discovery and characterisation of metastable nuclear excited states and investigations into collective modes of excitation in nuclei. This research employs large arrays of silicon and germanium semiconductor detectors for time-correlated gamma-ray and electron coincidence spectroscopy, with a focus on methods of identifying weakly populated nuclei that are difficult to access using conventional techniques.