Dr Danielle Ireland-Piper

Associate Professor
National Security College

Dr. Danielle Ireland-Piper is Associate Professor at the ANU National Security College. She has a PhD from the University of Queensland and an LLM from the University of Cambridge, where she was a Chevening and Pegasus Scholar. Her teaching and research expertise includes constitutional law, comparative law, and international law (including space law, citizenship law, human rights, the laws of armed conflict, climate law, and transnational criminal law), as well as the intersection between these areas of law and matters of national security law and policy. Danielle has extensively researched exercises of extraterritoriality in comparative context, particularly as relates to criminal offences. In her capacity as an Honorary Adjunct Associate Professor at Bond University, Danielle is also a member of the Bond University Technology and Jurisdiction Research Team, which produced a report on the consequences of cyber space and outer space for traditional notions of sovereignty.

Danielle is the author and editor of Extraterritoriality in East Asia: Extraterritorial Criminal Jurisdiction in China, Japan, and South Korea (Edward Elgar, 2021) and Accountability in Extraterritoriality: A Comparative and International Law Perspective (Edward Elgar, 2017), as well as other book chapters and journal articles. She also contributes to public dialogue and education through media and public commentary, including with The Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s ‘The Strategist’, _The Conversation_ , The International Law Association Reporter and the Australian Public Law Blog. Danielle is the recipient of three teaching awards and two research excellence awards, including a ‘National Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning’ from the Australian Government in 2014.

Prior to joining the academy in 2010, Danielle worked in the International Assistance and Treaties Branch of the Australian Attorney-General’s Department. In that role, she delivered and coordinated legal training programs for foreign officials in the Asia-Pacific Region. Her employment history also includes time as a NSW Ministerial Policy Advisor in Health, Community Services, and Aboriginal Affairs; as a legal officer at the (then) Queensland Crime and Misconduct Commission; and in private legal practice, including in employment law. In 2002-2003, Danielle was Associate to the Hon. Chief Justice Susan Kiefel during her Honour’s tenure at the Federal Court.

Danielle supervises PhD and LLM candidates, including on projects relating to citizenship, outer space, and human rights.

Updated:  12 March 2025/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact