Scholarship for Master of Energy Change: applications now open

Wind, solar energy
29 September 2021

The ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions (ICEDS) is pleased to announce that applications for the 2022 Jennifer and Ian Prosser Scholarship are now open for students undertaking their first year of the Master of Energy Change program.

The scholarship is aimed to support domestic graduate students from rural and regional areas of Australia to further their studies in the Master of Energy Change; an interdisciplinary degree, developing expertise in the relevant policy, legal, technological, environmental and regulatory aspects of energy change. 

Two scholarhips worth $5,000 each will be on offer for 2022.

The award was established through the generosity of ANU donors Jennifer and Ian Prosser; Canberra residents who value the importance of higher education at ANU, the interdisciplinary approach to energy change and sustainability, and the need to support regional and rural students of Australia.

“Whatever we aspire to, our home planet is critical to our survival. It is increasingly evident that we must make urgent changes to avoid climate disaster, especially in our use of energy. An integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to transition away from fossil fuels must happen quickly,” said Jennifer and Ian Prosser.

“It is vital that young Australians from different disciplines bring together their knowledge and enquiring minds to focus on innovative solutions. We support the ANU Master of Energy Change to give bright young people the opportunity to understand the depths of the problems we are facing and deal with some of the challenges, taking new ideas and approaches back to their own working environments,” they said.

Tom Atkins and Oscar Starmer are previous recipients of the scholarship. Of his studies and the award, Tom, who is a Senior Environment Officer at Evoenergy, said, “this semester has been fantastic in terms of applicability across my role with Evoenergy. My level of practical application and confidence is only possible due to my studies in the Master of Energy Change, and I would like to extend my thanks to Jennifer and Ian for the support I’ve received from this scholarship.”

Oscar also expressed his thanks for the award, highlighting the benefits of his studies.

“I began the Master of Energy Change program to better equip myself with the tools necessary to work towards a carbon negative future. I believe the mix of course work offered in the program has, in fact, perfectly equipped me with an education necessary to aptly contribute to the dramatically changing energy landscape,” he said.

Prof Frank Jotzo, Head of Energy at ICEDS, said, “I’d like to thank Jennifer and Ian for their on-going support of the Master of Energy Change program. Their generosity not only provides direct financial assistance to students studying this degree, but it is also an investment more broadly in future of energy change and society.

For more information on the Jennifer and Ian Prosser Scholarship, including how to apply, please email Dr Igor Skryabin:

Applications will close on 31 January, 2022.



Updated:  17 November 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: