Integrate climate action into your Semester 2 study choices

Photo: Shutterstock Integrated study with climate change
22 July 2021

Solving climate change and the energy transition are some of the biggest challenges facing societies around the world today. ANU students have access to a number of unique study options that enable them to get involved in tackling these challenges head-on, as a part of the ANU Below Zero Initiative.

ANU Below Zero aims to reduce the ANU greenhouse gas footprint, to achieve below zero emissions by 2030. The initiative is being integrated into research and teaching across a number of courses and degrees as a key part of achieving these targets.

“Engaging our students in Below Zero through teaching and research gives them the chance to be directly involved in projects that address climate and energy change,” says Prof Mark Howden, Director of the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions (ICEDS).

In Semester 2, study options that integrate with the ANU Below Zero Initiative include a real-world project for the largest community owned solar facility in Australia, a course to develop a range of different design ideas to promote environmentally sustainable behaviours, and internships that are directly linked to achieving the University’s Below Zero targets.

“By engaging in these projects, students are able to develop specific skills and experience that are increasingly in demand as we address these current and future challenges. They will also have the opportunity to engage in collaborative networks, both within and beyond the University, that will be a cornerstone of ANU reaching its Below Zero targets,” said Prof Howden.

In addition to these specific projects, there are a number of undergraduate and postgraduate courses that have direct links to Below Zero outcomes. Personal research projects can also be tailored to incorporate targets defined under the initiative.

For more information on ANU Below Zero, including integrated study options, contact:

Updated:  22 July 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: