Australian Manufacturing at Risk from Morrison Resistance to Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism at G7 Summit

A photograph of a coal-fired power station in the distance, with the sun shining from behind, and smoke billowing out of the chimneys.
11 June 2021

New analysis by the Australia Institute Climate & Energy Program shows that the use of carbon border adjustment mechanisms, to be under discussion at the G7 Summit this week, will put Australian industry and manufacturing processes – mainly steel, aluminium and alumina, at risk if Australia continues its recalcitrant role on the global stage.

At the G7 Summit, which runs from June 11-13 in Cornwall, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has indicated he will warn world leaders against the use of carbon tariffs at the G7 Summit, questionably labelling the carbon border adjustment mechanisms being considered by world leaders at the G7 as ‘protectionist’ without justification.

Read the full article on the Australia Institute website, featuring Honorary Assoc. Prof Hugh Saddler

Updated:  15 June 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: