Getting ready for climate change is about people, not spreadsheets. Let’s use our imaginations

A photograph of two women talking in a living room.
14 May 2021

Measures in this week’s federal budget to help Australians withstand and adapt to climate change are sorely needed, after years of cuts in this policy area.

The Morrison government has funded a raft of initiatives, including A$600 million to establish a National Recovery and Resilience Agency and A$210 million for the Australian Climate Service.

But disaster recovery can’t be the sole focus of climate adaptation. Are we harnessing networks that enable a society to function effectively, and tapping into diverse forms of knowledge? Are we valuing all types of “capital”? In short, are we being imaginative enough?

Australia can take great strides forward in climate policy and action. A reactionary, incremental approach to adaptation will fall short. Now is the time to think big.

Read the full article on The Conversation website, co-authored by Dr Tayanah O'Donnell

Updated:  10 June 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: