Murray-Darling Basin Plan missing big points

16 December 2020

Experts have reflected on the latest 5-year evaluation of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan (MDBP).

Every 5 years the Murray–Darling Basin Authority is meant to take stock of the Basin Plan and how it is being implemented, outlining key findings and recommendations for the 2020 Basin Plan Evaluation.

The MDBP was designed to rebalance the scales and bring water use back to more sustainable levels in the Murray-Darling Basin. Eight years on, after droughts, fish deaths and disputes, many wonder if  the Plan is working.

The 2020 review “promises much but ignores an elephant in each of two corners of the emergency room”, according to Professor Quentin Grafton from Australian National University.

Read the full article on the GreenCareer website, featuring commentary by Prof Quentin Grafton

Updated:  17 December 2020/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: