Climate campaigners react to Prime Minister Scott Morrison's push for gas-fired plant at Kurri Kurri
15 September 2020
Climate groups have come out swinging against the Federal Government's push for a gas-fired plant at Kurri Kurri, saying it won't create jobs and would produce high emissions.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison is in the Hunter on Tuesday to announce the project, which is part of the government's post-COVID gas-fired recovery plan for the nation.
The government said it would construct a new gas power station in the Hunter Valley if AGL does not replace its Liddel coal-fired power station.
The Newcastle Herald understands the potential gas plant would be built on the former Kurri Kurri aluminium smelter site that was acquired by developers Jeff McCloy and John Stevens.
Read the full artice on The Newcastle Herald website, featuring commentary by Dr John Hewson
Updated: 16 September 2020/Responsible Officer: College of Science/Page Contact: