Four Corners: Climate of Change

1 April 2019

The struggle to reduce Australia's greenhouse gas emissions. Climate change policy has been one of the most divisive issues in modern Australian political history. It has brought down governments and toppled political leaders. At times the debate has become so polarised that the average Australian could be forgiven for tuning out. With a Federal election looming, Four Corners brings the debate back to what is actually happening in the nation right now. So much focus has been placed on energy policy, electricity prices and the role of coal, but this is only one part of the picture. Four Corners walks you through key areas of everyday life and industrial production which fuel our carbon emissions - from the cars we drive, the animals we breed to gas we export. The program investigates whether Australia is on track to deliver on the targets the nation has pledged to fulfil, and what effect the policies of successive governments have had on our emissions. With activists on both sides of the debate pushing to make the Federal poll a climate election, this is a must watch Four Corners. View the full program  - Climate of Change, reported by Stephanie March, featuring ANU Professors John Hewson and Frank Jotzo.  

Updated:  14 October 2019/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: