Investing in change: the path to a decarbonised world

Which areas is it fair and reasonable for a university to invest in? What does forward-looking and ethical investment mean for an organisation like ANU? How should organisations like ANU structure their investment portfolios in anticipation and support of the low-carbon transition of the world economy?

This public forum will bring together expert panelists to explore these questions.

Opening address: Professor Brian P. Schmidt AC FAA FRS, President and Vice-Chancellor, ANU and 2011 Nobel Laureate Physics.

Moderated by: Professor Frank Jotzo, Director, Centre for Climate Economics and Policy, ANU Crawford School.


  • Mr Howard Bamsey, Executive Director, Green Climate Fund
  • Ms Emma Herd, Chief Executive Officer, Investor Group on Climate Change
  • Professor John Hewson AM, Chair, Tax and Transfer Policy Institute, ANU Crawford  School
  • Ms Bella Himmelreich, ACT Coordinator, Fossil Free Unis Australia

Updated:  20 August 2019/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: