Celebrate an inspirational climate scientist

In 2015 the scientific community lost an inspirational professor and a passionate and courageous defender of our planet, who was a mentor and friend to many.

Michael Raupach FAA FTSE was one of Australia’s foremost climate scientists and is a former Director of the ANU Climate Change Institute. His passing sent shockwaves throughout the community, with heartfelt tributes pouring in from around the globe that included a Senate speech in his honour by then Senator Christine Milne.

The Australian Academy of Science and the Canberra Chapter of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society are honoured to announce this free public event in celebration of Professor Raupach.

At the event, several of Michael’s colleagues will summarise his key works and show how these are informing future scientific endeavours.

The formal part of the evening will be followed by canapes and wine during which there will be a toast to his memory and legacy.

Updated:  30 August 2019/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact