Mitigation of Climate Change Factsheets
Factsheets on Mitigation of Climate Change (Working Group 3)
The IPCC's Mitigation of Climate Change report looks at actions that reduce the rate of climate change and supports the IPCC’s solution-oriented approach. It takes both a near-term perspective relevant to decision-makers in government and the private sector and a long-term perspective that helps identify how high-level climate policy goals might be met.
It was released in April 2022 and is the third Working Group report to be released in the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report (AR6).
assesses the impacts from climate change, both ones that we have already experienced and what is projected to come. The report considers who is most vulnerable to these impacts, and what options exist for responding to climate-driven changes. It shows us what adaptation responses have been effective, and where both nature and humans might face limits to adaptation in the future.
These factsheets look at the information most relevant to Pacific Island Countries & Territories. The three factsheets look at: