ANU at COP29 - Events, News & Podcasts

Photo: AdobeStock - Sidney vd Boogaard Graphic of two hands holding up a globe with COP29 text in foreground, green grass forest floor in background.
21 October 2024

The 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference, or COP29, will take place from 11 November to 22 November 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

For the crucial information you need to know before, during and after COP29 this page will be updated with expert commentary by researchers from across the ANU.

That's a wrap! A brief wrap-up post from us and some impressions from the conference.

Media Commentary

After a disappointing COP29, here’s how to design global climate talks that might actually work. The Conversation, 27 November

What a Trump presidency will mean for global climate goals?, BBC News, 13 November

In this interview with BBC News about COP29, Professor Mark Howden discusses what a Trump presidency will mean for global climate goals and why it is so difficult to implement climate finance talks.

Climate Financing expected to be main agenda of Pacific Islands at COP29, ABC News, 11 November

COP29 will focus on climate financing, with Pacific countries seeking concrete commitments. Expert Salā Dr George Carter highlights varied funding estimates, indicating ongoing debates on the necessary financial support.

How Australian and Pacific universities are collaborating for COP31UNSW Sydney, 14 October
With the official announcement regarding the host of COP31 expected during COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, in November 2024, a new briefing note co-authored by the UNSW Institute for Climate Risk & Response and the COP31 Universities Alliance, of which ICEDS is a member, explains everything you need to know.

ANU researcher appointed to COP29 Presidency Scientific CouncilICEDS, 10 October
Salā Dr George Carter has been appointed to the Scientific Council of the COP29 Presidency, supporting his "life mission" of amplifying and elevating Pacific science and lived experiences in the COP process. 



Friday 15: From red rock to green metal: Decarbonising the world's largest iron-ore-to-steel supply chain

An Australian Pavilion side event on green steel, hosted by ANU and the Clean Energy Council

With abundant renewable energy and mineral resources, and proximity to Asian markets, Australia could play a critical role in decarbonising the iron and steel industries. In this session, we’ll examine Australia’s opportunities in ‘green metals’ supply chains and the partnerships, policies and investments that can bring the vision to life.


  • Hon. Josh Wilson MP - Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy
  • Anna Freeman - Policy Director, Clean Energy Council
  • Frank Jotzo - Professor, The Australian National University
  • Fiona Beck - Associate Professor, The Australian National University
  • Zhang Xiliang - Professor; Director, Institute of Energy, Environment, and Economy at Tsinghua University
  • Jonathan Grant - Chief Advisor - Climate, Rio Tinto
  • Iain MacGill - Professor, University of New South Wales

Details extracted from the COP29 Australian Pavilion website.

Watch live stream here on Friday, 15 November at 16:00 (AETD)


Friday 15: Supercharging Australia's energy innovation ecosystem 

There is an urgent need for Australia to step up its efforts on research, development and innovation (RD&I) to deliver an integrated energy system that optimises both energy supply and energy demand. This panel will explore how Australia's RD&I ecosystem needs to evolve to meet the challenge.


  • Luke Menzel - CEO, Energy Effiency Council
  • Emi Minghui Gui - Transition Program Lead, Monash Energy Institute
  • Fiona J Beck - Associate Professor of Engineering (ANU), Research Lead P3 Facilitating Transformation (HILT CRC), Australian National University HILT CRC - Derisking Decarbonisation for Heavy Industry
  • Iain MacGill - Professor of Energy Systems and Joint Director of the UNSW Collaboration on Energy and Environmental Markets (CEEM), UNSW Sydney

Hosted by: Energy Efficiency Council


Saturday 16: Climate, Trade, and Industrial Policy: How Policies in Global North and Global South Economies are Driving Decarbonization

An UNFCCC official side event on climate and trade, organised by ANU with Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, Centre for American Progress, and Resources for the Future.


  • Introduction to keynote - Billy Pizer, President of Resources for the Future
  • Keynote address - U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
  • Keynote address - Mahendra Shunmoogam, Director of International Trade Policy, Republic of South Africa


  • Moderator - Nidhi Madan, Associate Director, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation Jihye Park, National Assembly Member of the Republic of Korea.
  • Soma Banerjee, Deputy Director General at Confederation of Indian Industry Rosana Santos, Executive Director of Instituto E+
  • Frank Jotzo, Professor, Head of Energy, ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions, Director, Grand Challenge Zero-Carbon Energy for Asia-Pacific, Director, Centre for Climate and Energy Policy, Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy
  • Kurt Van Dender, Head of Tax Policy and Statistics Division at OECD
  • Mike Williams, Senior Fellow at Center for American Progress
  • Milan Elkerbout, Fellow and Director, International Climate Policy Initiative, Resources for the Future

Monday 18: NDCs for Net-Zero: Country Ambition and Strategies Assessment

Open discussion side event, host by the Center for Global Sustainability (CGS) and Solutions For Our Climate (SFOC)


  • Keynote speech - Ryna Yiyun Cui (CGS)


  • Moderator - CGS or SFOC representative
  • Prof. Frank Jotzo, Australian National University (Or Prof. Howard Bamsey, Australia’s former climate envoy and Honorary ANU Professor)
  • Gahee Han (SFOC, South Korea)
  • Prof. Ryna Yiyun Cui (CGS, USA)
  • Dr. Vaibhav Chaturvedi (CEEW, India)
  • Prof. Agus Sari (Indonesia)
  • Japan partner *TBC


Monday 18: From Mine to Metal: Capturing Green Premium to Accelerate the Net Zero Transition?

The global transition requires metals and minerals, but at present the lack of green standards is hindering finance and investment. Australia’s Sustainable Finance Taxonomy will be the first to set mining standards that align activities with 1.5°C goals, enhance green credentials, guide First Nations engagement and unlock flows of domestic and global capital.


  • Kristy Graham - CEO, Australian Sustainable Finance Institute
  • Alex Matthews - Executive GM, Environment and Social, Commonwealth Bank of Australia
  • Fiona Beck - Associate Professor, Australian National University
  • Sean Kidney - CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative

Hosted by: Australian Sustainable Finance Institute


Wednesday 20: Climate and trade: Expanding the policy repertoire

A Global Alliance of Universities on Climate Pavilion side event

How can policy promote effective and efficient decarbonisation? This session explores how policy instruments including border carbon adjustments could support decarbonisation, foster trade and create market premiums for low- and zero-emissions commodities. The event will feature the latest international policy analysis and discuss preliminary findings from Australia's Carbon Leakage Review. 


  • Kushla Munro - Deputy Secretary of International Climate and Energy, Department of Climate Change, Energy, The Environment and Water
  • Frank Jotzo - Professor Lead, Australia’s Carbon Leakage Review, The Australian National University
  • Tennant Reed - Director - Climate Change and Energy, AIGroup
  • Michael Mehling -  Deputy Director, MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research
  • Howard Bamsey - Professor, The Australian National University

Hosted by: Australian National University

Watch live stream here on Friday, 21 November at 16:00 (AETD)


ICEDS Event: PostCOP29 - What happened, and where to from here?

Thursday 28 November, 5.30-7pm (AEDT)
ANU and Online 

Please join us for a post-COP29 panel event to hear leading experts, including those who attended COP29 in-person, discuss the key takeaways from the conference and the implications for Australia and Pacific Island nations. 


ANU at COP29 - that's a wrap.
Brief impressions from some of the ANU Academics who were at COP29.
Including Professor Frank Jotzo, Annette Zou, Professor Howard Bamsey & Associate Professor Fiona Beck.

What to expect at the COP 29 Climate Conference?
ICEDS's Professor Mark Howden reflects on the main topics he expects to be discussed at this years COP.

Reflections on implications of the UN Climate Change Conference for planetary health equityANU Planetary Health Equity Hothouse
In this event recording, three Planetary Health Equity Hothouse PhD researchers reflect on the upcoming COP and the role of international venues of negotiation to address the multiple crises we face.

Audio Podcasts

Oceania at COP28: where to next?, Oceania Climate COPcast, 21 October
The first episode of the Oceania Climate COPcast explores what it is like to attend a UN Climate COP, relives the experience of COP28 in Dubai last year and speaks to powerful Pacific activists and negotiators.

Pacific Islander elected to COP29 Presidency Scientific CouncilABC Pacific Beat, 30 September
Leading Pacific Islands academic Sala Dr George Carter has been appointed to the COP29 Presidency Scientific Council.

Updated:  5 December 2024/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: